Marigold Lupin-Black

Ministry employee

  • Joined October 2021
  • Member of Gryffindor
  • 0 House Points
  • 1st Year
  • United States


Family lineage

Marigold's mother, Catherine Bell (née Black), was an English Muggle-born witch. She was a descendant of Marius Black, who was disowned from the Black family for being born a squib; coincidentally, Marius was also the great-uncle of Sirius Black, one of Marigold's future adoptive fathers. Marigold's father, Alistair Bell, was a Scottish half-blood wizard; he was the cousin of Katie Bell, who was a Chaser in the Gryffindor Quidditch team during her time at Hogwarts (1990 - 1998).

Both Alistair and Catherine were born sometime between 1 September 1972 to 31 August 1973. They began attending the Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry in September 1984; Alistair was sorted into Hufflepuff, while Catherine was sorted into Ravenclaw. During their time at Hogwarts, Alistair and Catherine befriended Charlie Weasley and Nymphadora Tonks, who were in the same year as them.

Unlike Charlie or Tonks, neither Alistair nor Catherine were members of the Order of the Phoenix; however, they were allies of the Order and fought in the Second Wizarding War in 1998. Alistair and Catherine survived the war and settled in Godric's Hollow after their marriage in 1999.

Early life (2003-2014)

Marigold Catherine Bell was born on 26 May 2003 in Godric's Hollow, England. When Alistair and Catherine were murdered by Pansy Parkinson in 2004, a neighbour reported their deaths to Marigold's godfather, Remus Lupin, and his husband, Sirius Black, both of whom were close friends of the couple.

After his wife Tonks died while fighting in the Second Wizarding War, Remus remarried Sirius, whom he had a relationship with during their school days at Hogwarts. Sirius and Remus raised Teddy Lupin, the son of Remus and Tonks. In addition, after Alistair and Catherine died, the couple adopted Marigold; they renamed her Marigold Andromeda Lupin-Black. Andromeda Tonks, both Sirius's favourite cousin and Remus's mother-in-law from his past marriage, lived with the family and acted as a mother figure to Marigold and Teddy.

Hogwarts years (2014-2021)

First year

In the Hogwarts Express, Marigold and Teddy sat in a compartment. They were soon joined by Victoire Weasley, Teddy's girlfriend, and David Edwards, a boy the same age as Marigold whom she had previously met at Diagon Alley. David, who is Muggleborn, asks Marigold, Teddy and Victoire about the Hogwarts Houses. Marigold tells David that she wishes to be sorted into Gryffindor, and warns him about being sorted into Slytherin, where "a lot of them were evil."

In the Sorting Ceremony, Marigold gets sorted into Gryffindor as she wished, much to Teddy's disappointment. During the start-of-term banquet, Marigold meets other Gryffindors, including Andrew Laird, a fellow first-year, whom she befriends.

In Potions, Marigold gets paired up with David, and the two manage to brew a Cure for Boils successfully. Impressed with their skills, Professor Horace Slughorn invites them to join the Slug Club. Marigold can't help but feel a bit uneasy at Slughorn's surprise at David's talent in Potions given the fact that he is Muggleborn.

While overhearing three Slytherin first-years, Celeste Greengrass, Julius Flint and Leopold Rosier, discussing the upcoming Quidditch trials, David asks them what Quidditch is, only for Julius and Leopold to respond with condescending and discriminatory remarks about Muggleborns. Marigold and Andrew quickly defend them, only for Julius and Leopold to turn on Marigold instead, calling her and her biological father, Alistair Bell, who married the Muggleborn witch Catherine Black, "blood-traitors." Celeste goes off of Julius and Leopold and apologises to Marigold, Andrew and David on their behalf.

In History of Magic, one of Marigold's favourite classes, Professor Daphne Greengrass teaches them about the Werewolf Code of Conduct. A few Slytherin students, Alyssa Parkinson, Danielle Bulstrode and Mairon Avery, respond with offensive comments about werewolves, which upsets Marigold, who happens to have a werewolf father. Professor Greengrass responds by taking thirty points from Slytherin and cheers up Marigold by giving her a book on the history of the Wizarding Wars.

Later, Marigold expresses her concern and disappointment over the pureblood supremacist ideologies that still remain in the wizarding world after the defeat of Lord Voldemort, to which Professor Greengrass provides a vague reassurance that "there will be a day when we're all judged not for our blood status, but for the kind of people we are on the inside."

Second year

At Platform Nine and Three-Quarters, Marigold, Teddy (who is Head Boy), Sirius, Remus and Andromeda run into Harry and Ginny Potter and their three children: 11-year-old James (who is starting his first year at Hogwarts), nine-year-old Albus and seven-year-old Lily. Harry introduces them to his cousin Dudley Dursley's family, including his youngest daughter Daisy. Sirius and Remus reluctantly shake Dudley's hand, remembering how he treated Harry back in their childhood, while everyone wishes James and Daisy luck on their first day at Hogwarts.

Marigold brings James and Daisy into a compartment, where they are soon joined by David, who expresses surprise at meeting the son of Harry Potter for the first time and concern at how the other Hogwarts students will react.

During the Sorting Ceremony, James's arrival is met with both amazement (from most of the students), dread (from Professor Minerva McGonagall) and disgust (from Delphini Diggory, the Head Girl). Much to Marigold's satisfaction, James is sorted into Gryffindor.

Marigold tries out as a Seeker on the Gryffindor Quidditch team, and much to her delight, she gets the position. In her first match against Slytherin, Marigold manages to catch the Golden Snitch first, leading to Gryffindor's victory.

When the students return after the winter holidays, Professor McGonagall announces that Hogwarts will host exchange students from Beauxbatons, Durmstrang and Ilvermorny. Marigold expresses eagerness towards the Beauxbatons and Ilvermorny students but reluctance towards Durmstrang, given the school's affinity for the Dark Arts.

In Charms, Marigold and Andrew meet Madison Brown, an American second-year student from Ilvermorny, who joins Marigold, Andrew, David and James for supper. Madison expresses surprise at Andrew's parentage due to the fact that marriages between Muggles and wizards are rare in the United States.

One day, Marigold and her friends notice Delphini harassing Anna Muller, a German first-year student from Durmstrang. Delphini attempts to hex Marigold for distracting her, only for her to notice that James had swapped her wand with a fake one, to which she responds by storming off in anger.

Later, Anna sits with Marigold, Andrew, David, Celeste and James during lunch, and tells them about Durmstrang. Marigold expresses disgust at the fact that Durmstrang does not accept Muggleborn witches and wizards as students.

Third year

Marigold and her classmates meet Rubeus Hagrid, the Care of Magical Creatures professor, who introduces them to the Hippogriff. While the other students hesitate to approach Witherwings, also known as Buckbeak, Marigold is excited to get to know the Hippogriff, and even rides on his back, much to her delight.

The third-years go on their first trip to Hogsmeade. On their way to Honeydukes, Marigold, Andrew and David overhear Alyssa Parkinson's gang make hurtful comments about Marigold, her father Remus and Hagrid. When Alyssa turns against David for defending his friend, a snowball comes flying out of nowhere, much to her terror. Alyssa and her friend start getting snowballs thrown at them, tripped and grabbed until they finally run away. James reveals himself under the Invisibility Cloak as Marigold, Andrew and David laugh at his antics.

In Defence Against the Dark Arts, Professor Neville Longbottom introduces them to the Boggart, and Marigold and her classmates take turns practising the Riddikulus charm. Andrew's Boggart takes the form of his bully, who is a Muggle boy who calls him a "freak," and David's takes the form of Alyssa, jeering that he's not a "real" wizard. Marigold's Boggart takes the form of herself, but as a Death Eater, which causes her a panic attack. After class, Professor Longbottom visits Marigold in the Hospital Wing, and reassures her that she can overcome her fear, like he did in his youth.

One day, upon receiving an owl from his mother, who works at the Ministry of Magic, Andrew warns Marigold, David and James that Delphini now has a job at the Ministry, which is confirmed in a Daily Prophet article, much to their concern.

When David tells his friends that Alyssa harassed him about Delphini's campaign plan to "make the wizarding world great again," signalling the expulsion of Muggles and Muggleborns from Britain, Marigold, Andrew and James react with anger. James suggests revenge on Alyssa by giving her a Ton-Tongue Toffee, to which Marigold and Andrew agree but David reacts with some concern.

Alyssa falls for the trick, and eats the toffee without hesitation; her tongue begins swelling and grows as long as four feet, much to her friend Danielle's panic. Professor Slughorn takes Alyssa to the Hospital Wing, and Professor McGonagall discovers Marigold and her friends, who all confess their responsibility. However, upon hearing their explanation, Professor Longbottom realises that it was Alyssa who provoked David first, and takes ten points off of Slytherin while letting the Gryffindors off with only a warning and a five-point deduction.

Fourth year

Victoire becomes Head Girl, while James teases Albus, who is starting his first year at Hogwarts, about being sorted into Slytherin, to which Harry assures him. Meanwhile, Marigold notices Ron Weasley warning his daughter Rose, who is also about to start her first year, about Scorpius Malfoy, the son of former Death Eater Draco Malfoy. Upon boarding the Hogwarts Express, Scorpius asks if he can join Marigold, James, Albus and Rose in their compartment. While Marigold and Albus agree to let Scorpius join them, Rose expresses her distaste.

Despite their disagreement, Marigold manages to befriend Rose, who admires her Quidditch skills. Marigold also overhears two fourth-year girls, Simran Patil and Isabella Miller, whisper mean stuff about Scorpius, and quickly defends him.

Later, Marigold and Scorpius meet each other at the library to work on their homework. Scorpius expresses his gratitude towards Marigold and complains that most students, including Rose, for whom he has romantic feelings, treat him like a pariah.

Marigold finds out that Delphini became the new Minister for Magic, and is determined to begin expelling Muggles and Muggleborns from Britain. Much to their shock, James and Albus tell them that Dudley and his eldest daughter Poppy, who is a Squib, were forced to leave the country.

Alyssa Parkinson begins expressing her distaste towards Muggleborns more vocally than ever, even stooping as low as calling David a "filthy little Mudblood," to which Marigold and Scorpius react with fury. Alyssa doesn't stop there and hangs David upside down in midair with the Levicorpus charm. Marigold casts the countercurse, and she and Alyssa begin hexing each other. Celeste notices the girls duelling in the courtyard, and steps in to stop them.

When Professor Slughorn brings Marigold, David, Celeste, Scorpius and Alyssa to his office, Alyssa begins to play the victim, which is quickly dismissed by the other four students telling him the truth, which Professor Slughorn believes.

Unfortunately, David and his family soon receive a letter from the Ministry forcing them to leave Britain; he tells Marigold and Andrew that they will move to the United States, where he will attend Ilvermorny, much to his friends' disappointment.

Fifth year

A number of changes occur to the Hogwarts staff. Professor Pomona Sprout retires, and Professor Longbottom takes over as the Herbology professor while Harry replaces him as the DADA professor. Professor Avalon Davies takes over as the new Head of Hufflepuff House and Muggle Studies professor. Marigold becomes Gryffindor Prefect (along with Andrew) and the new Captain of the Gryffindor Quidditch team.

Marigold hosts tryouts for the Gryffindor team and announces Georgina Hamilton (a fifth-year Gryffindor student), James and Rose as Chasers, her fellow fifth-years Fred Weasley II and Hercules Greengrass (Celeste's twin brother) as Beaters and fellow fifth-year Noel Garfield as Keeper.

One day, Marigold finds Isabella Miller, a fifth-year Ravenclaw student who whispered catty stuff about Scorpius the previous year, with her hands all over an uncomfortable James, much to her disgust. After kicking out Isabella from the Gryffindor table, Marigold begins discussing Scorpius's birthday present with Andrew, James, Albus and Rose.

Before the trip to Hogsmeade, James lies to Isabella to avoid her, then sneaks out to meet Marigold and Andrew. While Andrew is in the lavatory, James confides in Marigold that Isabella forced him to go out with her, and Marigold encourages him to break up with her. Eventually, James successfully breaks up with Isabella, much to his relief and her heartbreak.

Marigold brings the Gryffindor team to the Quidditch pitch, only to notice that the Slytherin team is already there to train their new Seeker, Alyssa, who got the position by seducing Julius Flint, the Captain of the Slytherin team.

In the Quidditch match between Gryffindor and Slytherin, the Slytherin players commit every foul act known to wizardkind, much to the Gryffindors' fury. Alyssa even grabs onto Marigold's Firebolt Supreme to distract her from catching the Golden Snitch; she manages to steer Marigold's broomstick to the side, causing her to fall to the ground.

Sixth year

At Platform Nine and Three-Quarters, Marigold sees James for the first time since Teddy and Victoire's wedding, where the two danced together. On the train on their way to Hogwarts, Scorpius tells Marigold, James, Albus, Rose, Lily and Hugo (who are starting their first year at Hogwarts) that his mother passed away due to a blood malediction that affected her.

To make matters worse, Marigold receives a letter from home that Remus was deported for being a werewolf, and that he would live in France with Teddy's mother-in-law Fleur Delacour's parents until it is safe for him to return to Britain, much to her devastation, but James and Scorpius console her. Marigold becomes touched by Scorpius's kindness, especially when he had lost his mother.

Meanwhile, Andrew, Albus, Lily and Scorpius notice Marigold's budding romantic feelings towards James, and encourage her to confess her feelings for him. Marigold refuses out of shyness and begs Albus to ask him for her. Albus initially refuses, but soon agrees.

Unfortunately, James later tells Marigold that while he thinks she is "really nice," he is "not sure if they should be more than friends," much to her devastation. Marigold becomes depressed, especially followed by her beloved father's deportation, and even starts to feel jealous towards David, who had started dating Madison Brown at Ilvermorny.

Marigold wanders out to the Forbidden Forest one morning to get some fresh air; she discovers the Resurrection Stone on the ground. As she examined the stone, six translucent figures of her dead parents, her uncle Regulus Black, Nymphadora Tonks, Albus Dumbledore and Godric Gryffindor emerge from behind the trees. Marigold is delighted to meet the six adults, all of whom offer her advice and warm words of encouragement. Marigold regains her hope and promises them that she would prove herself.

Meanwhile, James expresses regret as Marigold begins avoiding him and spending more time with Scorpius instead. During Potions, when Professor Slughorn introduced Amortentia to the fifth-years, James becomes mortified upon learning that he has feelings for Marigold, and responds with denial.

In the winter holidays, Marigold begs Sirius to not visit the Potters this time and explains what happened with James. Her father consoles her, cancels their annual reunion with the Potters and invites Teddy's best friend, Lorenzo Santini II, instead.

On Boxing Day, when Lorenzo visits the Lupin-Black residence, he offers Marigold some brotherly advice on greatness and heroism, that she "doesn't need Delphini or any prophecy to choose her as long as she chooses herself," and that "as long as she has the desire to prove herself and leave a mark in the world," she can "become a true hero," which greatly inspires her.

When the students return to Hogwarts, Marigold continues avoiding James to the point where others, including Harry, began to notice. James becomes heartbroken at Marigold rejecting his invitation to hang out and confides in Andrew, who is rather annoyed as he also harboured feelings for her.

James follows Andrew's advice and makes it up to Marigold by throwing her a surprise birthday party a few days after Gryffindor's victory in the Hogwarts Quidditch Cup, much to her gratitude.

Seventh year

Marigold struts across the platform, wearing her Head Girl badge; she and her friend and brother-in-law Louis Weasley, who became Head Boy, congratulate each other, vowing to lead their promising last year at Hogwarts, and agree to help Lorcan and Lysander, the twin sons of Luna and Rolf Scamander who are starting their first year at Hogwarts.

Scorpius's grandmother, Narcissa Malfoy, determined to reconcile with her older sister Andromeda, sees her again for the first time in many years. Narcissa apologises for her past mistakes, but Sirius and Andromeda are reluctant to forgive her until Marigold, Scorpius and Harry persuade them. Sirius, Andromeda and Narcissa reconcile, agreeing to put the past behind them and move forward.

In addition, James finally gathers the courage to confess his true feelings to Marigold, much to her delight. Scorpius, who realised that he deserves better than someone who scorns him for being the son of a former Death Eater, starts to return Albus's feelings instead.

With the permission of Professor McGonagall, Marigold looks into Sirius's memories in the Pensieve, about Lorenzo's grandfather's past as the descendant of Italian immigrants during World War II, when he fought despite being bullied for his background. Marigold also hears Sirius and Lorenzo's words of encouragement for her to "go the distance to prove herself," like Albus Dumbledore and Harry Potter.

One day, the Hogwarts students notice James missing. Upon overhearing the professors' conversation, Marigold finds out that James was taken into the Chamber of Secrets, and immediately goes her way down there, ignoring Andrew and Louis's protests.

Andrew and Louis immediately report Marigold's location to Professor McGonagall, who sees a flashback of Harry saving Ginny from the Basilisk years ago, much to her and the other professors' terror.

Meanwhile, Marigold manages to enter the Chamber successfully; she casts a Patronus, which took the form of a lioness to complement James's lion, to inform him of her arrival.

Much to her terror, Marigold finds out that Delphini had kidnapped James out of vengeance towards Harry defeating her father, Lord Voldemort. During a heated argument with Delphini on magical blood, Dumbledore's phoenix Fawkes arrives at the Chamber, carrying the Sorting Hat.

Marigold begs Delphini to take her instead of James, which allows her to summon the Sword of Gryffindor, which she uses to cut off the rope that hung James by his neck. Delphini, in a rage, begins torturing Marigold with the Cruciatus Curse until she falls unconscious.

James tearfully tells the professors what happened, and Marigold, who is in a state of coma, is taken to the Hospital Wing, much to the terror of all the professors but especially Professor Longbottom.

Professor McGonagall announces to the student body the events and warns them that now that Delphini has invaded Hogwarts, other conflicts might be happening in the future.

Sirius, Andromeda, Teddy, Victoire, Lorenzo and Andrew's mother Catriona decide to stay at Hogwarts until Marigold's recovery. Meanwhile, Albus gathers his friends and reinstates Dumbledore's Army and Teddy, Victoire and Lorenzo agree to train them to fight against Delphini in the future.

The following year, on the 30th of January, Delphini invades Hogwarts and the students and professors all jump into action in defence of their school. However, it isn't until Delphini's attack on Lorenzo that Marigold finally wakes up from her coma and makes her way to the Great Hall, where the battle was actively taking place.

After Sirius Black successfully kills Pansy Parkinson, the right-hand woman of Delphini, after the latter shoots a Killing Curse that nearly hit Scorpius, Delphini throws a fit of rage and tries to attack Sirius, only for Marigold to stop her.

Delphini attempts to use the Imperius Curse against Marigold, who successfully blocks it. The two begin to duel in the middle of the Great Hall. Before Delphini could hit her with a Killing Curse, Marigold manages to disarm the latter before hitting her with an unknown red spell, which makes Delphini fall into the Fiendfyre, getting rid of her once and for all.

The Great Hall rejoices, and the crowds cheer for Marigold, their new hero, the new saviour of the wizarding world. In the middle of the celebration, Catriona and fellow Ministry worker Hermione Granger bring the deported into the Great Hall to reunite with their loved ones. Marigold reunites with her best friend David and father Remus.

The Potters approach Marigold, and James and his parents express their gratitude towards Marigold for saving him. Sirius, Remus and Andromeda tell Marigold that they are proud of her, to which Harry adds that "a hero isn't measured by the size of their strength, but by the size of their heart." Albus starts clapping for Marigold, soon followed by the entire Great Hall. At last, Marigold had become a true hero, one whose strength came from her power of kindness, courage, and most importantly, love.

After Hogwarts (2021-)

Marigold began working at the Wizengamot and received the Order of Merlin, First Class, for her efforts in the defeat of Delphini in the Third Wizarding War.

After James graduated from Hogwarts in 2022, she married him that year on the 14th of December. The couple gave birth to three children: Lorenzo Sirius, Edward Albus and Lily-Rose Catherine Potter.

Marigold hopes to become Minister for Magic someday, in hopes of creating a more fair and equal wizarding world.

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