

18 YEARS OLD -any pronouns- Slytherin Artist, Horror Enthusiast, and Dark Academia Fan. Warnings on posts as they come. Proceed with caution.

  • Joined September 2021
  • Member of Slytherin
  • 8 House Points
  • 1st Year
  • United States


A/N: I just logged in so I'm trying to get caught up with assignments because I lost my other account. I was a seventh year then, so I rewrote my backstory for this character for around that age. Just to clear up the air because it'll register me as a first year until then.

As soon as they got sorted into Slytherin, they were really worried at first. Caspian had always heard bad things from the Slytherin lot, from the fearful wizard 'Who-Shall-Not-Be-Named' to all the various Deatheaters and purebloods who have totally marked this house as bad. He was reluctant at first to take this title, but she found out that there were good characteristics too, such as ambition and quick thinking! Thus, his goal is to put an end to the stereoypes of Slytherins and give upcoming students something to be excited and proud of!

Getting more personal, Caspian am a very academic person. The reason there was a hatstall was because the Sorting Hat debated putting her in Ravenclaw, but it decided otherwise. As an incoming first-year, he has been excited yet anxious. They have a little sister who's powers haven't come into fruition yet, and they miss her dearly. He is a halfblood, but with the new world upcoming, most of the prejudice she faces is from older generations from before the Great Wizard War. Because of the personal shame their witch mother had for marrying a muggle, Caspian grew up thinking they were non-magical until two years before they were admitted into Hogwarts. Their father, knowing of their magic blood, constanly pushed ideas of how they were a muggle and how they shouldn't take pride in the other magical half of the family. After they recieved their letter from Hogwarts, Caspian was overwhelmed with arguing and debate on whether they should go or not. Their younger sister was in distress, but aware of the terrible situation, urged their sibling to run away and find every opportunity to get away and thrive outside of the toxic household. With a guilty heart and heavy conscience, Caspian left their house and has been living on the lam since then until the school year starts. When the school yaer ends, they find refuge in the muggle world by taking on jobs and living above their work place. Though they would live in the Wizarding World, one of the few things holding them back from committing is the guilt and hope that their sister would be alright and possibly join them in school. They will often check up on their sibling by mail/owl, and once in a while when the house is empty, they will go home secretly and make sure their sister's health is alright and that she isn't being hurt too hard by her surroundings.

Some hobbies and interests of theirs are art, reading, writing, and exploring the grounds so far! They really are interested Defense Against the Dark Arts, but he would like to learn more about Transfiguration and Herbology. She haven't made many friends yet, but he is looking foward to classes, activies, and more!

Books Authored by Caspian

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