Snow Hazel Griffins


Hello and welcome! Profile photo created by Cassandra Scamander! Thank you!

  • Joined June 2021
  • Member of Gryffindor
  • 221 House Points
  • 1st Year
  • United States


Before Hogwarts: I am a half-blood, eleven-year-old witch who didn't discover the magical world until I was eleven years old by snooping around Mama's hidden library. I had pulled a book off the shelf and discovered the world of magic. Mama told Dad and me about my powers and how she is a witch who went to Hogwarts, the school I'll be going to in the fall, once we move for Dad's job. That summer, we moved to London and I got my OWL. I was sorted into Gryffindor, although the Hat had a hard time deciding between Ravenclaw and Gryffindor.

Year 1: I was glad we had moved. My fallout with a few friends of mine was still haunting me. At least their presence won't be a total reminder for the rest of my life. I was a Hat Stall (someone who takes forever to get sorted). Gryffindor? Ravenclaw? CHOOSE! I got put into what Mama says Dad would've gotten: Gryffindor. She was a Ravenclaw. Well, I'm my father's daughter, I guess. Although I look like Mom. Whatever. So... friends. I gotta figure that out. Yeah, this will be a lot harder than I thought.

It was second term when I made some new friends. Xia and Nora. Both are Gryffindors, too. But they both enjoy learning and school almost as much as me. Great minds think alike. But, then Xia had to move. To France. Yeah... Her parents both went there and decided to move her there. Best of both worlds, I guess? Well, that's the end of first year. And all O's. Mama was proud.

Year 2: So, my cousin has joined me at Hogwarts. I'm related to her on Dad's side, so she's a Muggleborn. She has always lived in England as that was where her mother was born (just like mine). We only got to see each other a few times out of each year (holidays and birthdays), but now we get to see each other each day. She was like me: Gryffindor or Ravenclaw? Ravenclaw, sadly. At least we can still hang out.

A month into the school year, Nora also moved. To Japan. Because of her father's job. He's an Auror and had to move because of the higher crime rates going up with the hidden Voldemort (yeah, I'm not afraid of his name) followers wreaking havoc. But, last year I also became friends with a couple of Hufflepuffs, Josephine (Or Josie) and Olive.

But, worse news. Ex-friend Danielle came to my house. As a surprise by Mama and Dad. I guess they thought I missed her. At least she didn't cause all the trouble. I just got mad at her too. It was crazy then. We quickly made up at least. I've mailed her a couple of letters and she the same. Nothing really to talk about after what happened.

And then, COVID.

Still all O's.

Year 3: COVID made everything worse. In London. We didn't follow the regulations at Hogwarts. We already found a cure, either way. Some kids that I hadn't interacted with since first year suddenly show up in a good amount of my classes. And they all just happen to be on the Quidditch team this year. Is it weird that I only can look at the annoying kids? Well, Xia showed up as a surprise on the last day of school. I hadn't been able to see her since winter break second year to celebrate my birthday, so it was a major surprise when she showed up. And, better news yet, she's returning in fourth year. Oh, and one E. A SINGLE E! AHHHHHH!

Year 4: Starting in September!

Year 5: N/A

Year 6: N/A

Year 7: N/A

Wand: Dogwood, dragonheart string, 12.5 inches, and hard flexibility
Patronus: Bloodhound
Patronus Meaning: Intelligent, loyal, gentle, easy-going, patient, tenacious, and diligent

Likes: Books, reading, learning, watching movies that go with books, Maze Runner, Hunger Games, Land of Stories, basically anything fantasy, dystopian, and/or adventure, country music, acting, and singing
Dislikes: Bullies, discrimination of any kind, potato salad, and unbelievably arrogant people (to the point where they think that they are always right and only think of themselves)

Note: All made up. Based on results on Wizarding World (house; wand; Patronus; etc.). I will add on to the years as the years go by. More for entertainment than anything. Thanks!

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