Heyo! I am a friendly Gryffindor student I love playing the ukelele and I am from California. Wall background credit to Samantha.
- Joined April 2021
- Member of Gryffindor
- 0 House Points
- 1st Year
United States

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<summary>✦ Personal Info ✦ </summary>
✦ Name: Reagan (Ray-Gan) Maryanne DelOra
✦ Gender: Female
✦ Nicknames: Ray, Del, Ray Ray, Ry, R-Gan
✦ Birthday: August 1st
✦ Hair color: Raven black
✦ Eye color: Brown
✦ Personality: Fun, adventurous, ambitious, witty, sarcastic, curious, leader
✦ Family: Joe and Ann DelOra (parents), Jake DelOra (younger brother), Meghan DelOra (older sister)
✦ Allergies: tree nuts, pollen, soy
✦ Aesthetic: sporty/beach

Credit: C & C's creations
<summary>✦ Hogwarts Info ✦ </summary>
✦ House: Gryffindor

Credit: Jillian Evermore
✦ Wand: 13",Elm wood, dragon heartstring core, slightly springy flexibility
✦ Patronus: Dolphin
✦ Favourite class: DADA
✦ Least favourite class: Herbology
✦ Amortentia: fresh baked bread, salt water, and weirdly enough, bubblegum
✦ Blood status: Half blood, although parents are both wizards
✦ Mirror of Erised: Me, on an amazing adventure, surrounded by my closest friends and family.
✦ Boggart: Being the reason someone risked their lives.
<summary> ✦ Favourites ✦ </summary>
✦ Color: Blues, purples, teals, yellows, greens
✦ Food: Ice cream
✦ Drink: Frozen lemonade
✦ Candy: Sour candy
✦ Animal: Whale
✦ Book Vs Movie: book
✦ Fav hp book/movie: Order of the Pheonix
✦ Sport: Surfing/water sports
✦ Season: Summer
✦ Weather: Sunny
✦ Book series other than HP: KOTLC (Keeper of the lost Cities)
✦ Music artist: Olivia Rodrigo
✦ Song: <iframe width="100%" height="300" scrolling="no" frameborder="no" allow="autoplay" src="https://w.soundcloud.com/player/?url=https%3A//api.soundcloud.com/tracks/796359454&color=%23b80e6b&auto_play=false&hide_related=false&show_comments=true&show_user=true&show_reposts=false&show_teaser=true&visual=true"></iframe>
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