Jason Parker

AmErIcAn BeAn

  • Joined April 2021
  • Member of Gryffindor
  • 0 House Points
  • 1st Year
  • United States


I recieved my Hogwarts letter when I was awoken by a screeching and tapping noise on my window. An owl was standing there, with a letter tied to its leg. This wad no suprise to me as both my parents went to Hogwarts. I am happily enjoying all my classes. I'm always down for a rp.

Name: Jason

Age: depends. Who's asking?

Wand: Mahogony wood, 11 inches, phoenix feather.

House: Gryffindor!

Patronus: MoNkEy

It isn't much but it's home. I'm new so this is a very amatuer account. See you around!

Lmk if I should add anything :)

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