Emma Evangeline


"I love how magic is always changing...you can never fully discover it’s abilities, that is what makes magic so unique." -Emma Evangeline

  • Joined April 2021
  • Member of Hufflepuff
  • 31 House Points
  • 1st Year
  • United States


I was a hatstall (Hufflepuff-Gryffindor), but eventually sorted into Hufflepuff. The sorting hat said that I would do great things in Hufflepuff so I chose Hufflepuff.
My favorite classes is charms and Care of Magical Creatures.
I can’t wait to take the Study of Ancient Runes.
My least favorite subject is History of magic.
I am a muggleborn from Louisiana. Neither of my parents have magic but I have a past relative that is magical like me.
I was told they attended Ilvormory but my parents decided it was better to move Scotland.
I am considering becoming a Wandmaker, but I have no real plans for the future.
I love how magic is always changing...you can never fully discover it’s abilities.
I have a pet cat named Merlin.
My wand is Hazel wood, Dragon Heartstring core, 12 1/2 inches, and surprisingly swishy flexibility.
My patronus was a Hedgehog.

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