Willow Rose


Hi im Willow and new to the site, im hoping to make some friends and learn more about how this site works.

  • Joined March 2021
  • Member of Gryffindor
  • 0 House Points
  • 1st Year
  • South Africa


Im a student at Hogwarts. I remember how excited and terrified i was all at the same time when recieving my letter. You see im decended from a very rare and pure bloodline of Werewolves, the kind that shifts into a full wolf form and not half humanoid.
So upon recieving my letter i was thrilled to be able to practice my magic, as im also a witch, but the curse is whats got me terrified. I can control when i want to shift and be my lucid self, except on a full moon. I shift forcefully and lose my clear mind, which makes me very dangerous as i could attack even my closest friends without realizing it. But im sure there will be a spot for me at Hogwarts that would be safe for me and other students, i mean they wont send me a letter other wise, would they...

Im interested in magical creatures, so think ill enjoy learning that and of cource spells, who would not want to learn how to do all kinds of spells. Im intrigued to see what the forbidden forest looks like and what i might find in there, i know students are not allowed but they said nothing about wolves...(mischievous smile)

I have a pet pygmy puff named Candyfloss, short for Candy, she is pastle purple and i got her from Weasleys' Wizard Wheezes in Diagonally when i shoped for all my school supplies, i of cource had to get an owl too, how else am i going to send letters, though Snowflake my snowy owl and Candyfolss dont get along so well.

I think when im done with school i would like to travel the rest of the world and discover more and new magical creatures and learn more about them and maybe teach others about them as well.
So the journey to my new life begins!

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