Thaila J

Diagon Alley Shopkeeper

  • Joined March 2021
  • Member of Ravenclaw
  • 0 House Points
  • 1st Year
  • South Africa


I was born to a muggle father and a wizard mother, which happens all the time, right? Well… not always like this. My father never believed my mother when she told him about the wizard world (he would call her crazy) so she would obliviate him every time she tried to include him in that aspect of her life. Mum decided to keep it to herself, a plan drastically foiled when her 6 month old levitated a quill (seems I’ve always liked the written word).

That was hard to explain and he was not having any of it. He threatened to go public and apparently started calling us names (he wasn’t a cool “wish I was a wizard” muggle) so she obliviated us both from his life and moved back to Scotland where she eagerly awaited the day I got my Hogwarts letter.

Having heard all the stories of my mother’s days in the halls of Hogwarts had me packing my bags a week before my 11th birthday (having my birthday days before the beginning of the school year turned out to be awesome for a super excited me).
My adventure at Hogwarts started with me being sorted into Ravenclaw. I quickly established myself as the mischievous book nerd, slowly creating my very own mini library in a trunk at the foot of my bed whilst helping my best friend Leo pull off a few harmless but hilarious pranks. To this day, I am most proud of the day we managed to sneak some Babbling Beverage into Filch’s tea.

I excelled at Potions, Herbology and Transfiguration, and thoroughly enjoyed Care of Magical Creatures. My first pet was a barn owl my mother got me for my 10th birthday. Her name is Sage and she’s one of my most trusted companions. My other pet, one I begged for for years after learning about them at school, is a little Niffler. She is quite mischievous but for the most part, as long as I leave spare coins lying around for her to find, she’s well behaved. I named her Aster, it means star and stars are shiny… which is explanation enough.

I achieved top marks for my O.W.L.s in Transfiguration, Potions, Herbology and Care of Magical Creatures. I knew that Potions and Herbology would definitely came in handy in my future which is why I went for a N.E.W.T. in each of those. When I graduated I knew what I wanted to do. I had it all planned out for years before my graduation.
I got a job at Magical Menagerie and worked there for a few years, saving up as much as I could until I had enough to grab a storefront for myself. My mum is basically a silent partner, having helped with the rent in the first few months but other than that I have my very own little store.

Think if Madam Puddifoot’s and Flourish & Blotts had a kid… that would be my little store.

So swing by Leaves & Pages (just a few stores down from Magical Menagerie) for a cuppa with a kick after perusing for a book to read. Creatures of all shapes are welcome but leave the bigger guys outside – they’re usually the sweetest but Merlin can they cause a mess!

Books Authored by Thaila J

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