Artemis Johnson


  • Joined January 2021
  • Member of Gryffindor
  • 341 House Points
  • 1st Year
  • Slovenia


I'm Artemis Johnson, a daughter of Marcus and Natasha Johnson. I'm a determined, witty, sporty, creative, a bit hot-headed and a brave student. My favourite Course would definetely be D.A.D.A., and my dream job is to become an Auror like my grandfather.
My wand: Hawthorn wood with a phoenix feather core, 10 3/4'' and slightly springy flexibility
My Patronus: a magpie
My pet: Tawny owl Rony
My mother works as a Healer at St Mungo's, she was a Gryffindor as well and my father is a Ministry worker at the Department of International Magical Cooperation, he was a Slytherin. I've got a little sister Evanna, who will soon come to Hogwarts, hopefully.

Books Authored by Artemis Johnson

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