Marceline Locke

Hogsmeade Shopkeeper/ Student

shine so bright it burns their freaking eyes

  • Joined January 2021
  • Member of Ravenclaw
  • 0 House Points
  • 1st Year
  • United States


<details> <summary>Before 1st year:</summary>
Born pureblood into a long line of Ravenclaws in 2007, I grew up in hogsmeade where my parents (Dereck Locke, & Kira Gladrag Locke) run the shop Gladrags Wizardwear. The shop has been in my family since forever and I can´t wait until I get to actually make clothes, right now I am just ringing up customers. When I say it is cold to live in hogsmeade, I mean cold. But I don´t mind, I love the snow, plus my nose and cheeks get really red when it's cold out and that's all the time here. So when I go to a warmer climate I don't feel much like myself. I'm sure hogwarts is going to be fun, once I get used to it. I'll just have to wait until it gets colder. I don't have many friends here but I do have some. Alder Flume, which I believe to be Ambrosius Flume´s nephew, is my best friend here. Instead of going to hogwarts, he is being homeschooled by Mrs. Flume (his mom). He is my one way ticket to a cavity, at honeydukes my family gets a 50% discount on all candy because we are good friends with the Flumes. In return, any emergency fix of clothing they need they can come in a get it done for free. I also have Lissy, I don´t know if she counts as much, she's a ghost. The alleyway behind Madam Puddifoot's tea shop is where I can usually find her. Other than that, I make friends just visiting hogsmeade, like once I met a muggle named Frafure. Her sister was born a witch and her family included Frafure in all the magical stuff they got to do. She brought this very interesting game called monopoly and her, Alder, and me played it all night until she had to leave in the morning to drop her sister off at hogwarts. </details>
<details> <summary>I guess I should include like a profile type thing:</summary>

Name: Marceline Locke
Year: 1
Age: Almost 11 (in this timeline in rl I´m about 14)
Blood Status: Pureblood
House: Ravenclaw
Wand Type: Maple wood with phoenix tail feather core,10 3/4" and unbending flexibility.
Hair: shoulder length & very light brown
Eyes: Blue & white
Favorite class: Charms </details>
-if you're reading this thank you for taking the time to check out my profile, I hope we can be friends, and I will continue to update this as I continue to take classes on this website-

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