

  • Joined January 2021
  • Member of Hufflepuff
  • 0 House Points
  • 1st Year
  • United States


(Younger Student/glimpse into younger student's future as well) I was in the orphanage that I had grown up in for the past 11 years of my life, the dean called me into her office telling me to sit down as she handed me a letter, I opened it and it told me that I was invited to go to Hogwarts, school of witchcraft and wizardry. I was astonished in those very moments. A few days later, I was driven to this place and I was shown Diagon ally. I went around very confused because I hadn't any money. I ran into this large man with the name "Hagrid," he asked me my name and told him that I'm Hazel Pierce, he instantly froze and told me that we need to head on over to Gringotts asap. He told me all about my family as we headed on over there. He told me about how my parents disappeared out of nowhere after having their first, and only child, aka me. He mentioned how their baby was also missing, but here I am now. Hagrid let me in Gringotts and showed me to my vault, that he surprisingly had the key to. We got into my vault and there was so much money, the most I had ever seen in one setting. Hagrid then took me to get all of my supplies that I would need for Hogwarts, we even got a cat who I had named "Toodles" after my favorite character from a show I watched with my orphan friends everyday when I was little. He brought me to a train station and told me to find "9 and 3/4," which greatly confused me because I had never seen such a thing. I eventually found a boy who went through a wall, I followed him in the same format as he did when he went through the wall, it leaded to a train that would bring me to Hogwarts. I got on and asked that boy if I could sit with him, he told me his name is Raphael, I then told him my name, he was confused because he knew that was the name of the baby who went missing 11 years ago, I explained to him what Hagrid explained to me, and that was a start of a great friendship that would last throughout all my years in Hogwarts, school of witchcraft and wizardry!

Books Authored by Hazel

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