

  • Joined January 2021
  • Member of Gryffindor
  • 93 House Points
  • 1st Year
  • United States


Hi I'm Melly! Nobody said it would be easy to be a Gryffindor or a Witch! Especially when your family despises differences. It's always the you'll be a freak or you're a weirdo! I've grown to deal with it but it still hurts a bit. I come from a religious household so it's hard to practice anything or work on my magic. They don't despise me but I'm not allowed to do anything weird they like to put it. Anyways, I hope to do great things and become successful and a fully trained auror. I haven't told much people but I'm also a Metamorphagus. I guess now you know! Hope we can get to know each other. And for Merlin's sake, "Woman up and follow your dreams" wise words from 'Marlene -Cool- McKinnon'

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