"We've all got both Light and Dark inside of us. What matters is the part we choose to act on. That's who we really are." - Sirius Black; J.K Rowling
- Joined January 2021
- Member of Slytherin
- 134 House Points
- 1st Year
United States
~Grades~ASTR-101: In progress
CHRM-101: In progress
DADA-101: In progress
HERB-101: In progress
HOM-101: In progress
PTNS-101: In progress
TNFG-101: In progress
~Witch Information~
Blood Status: Pureblood
Wand: Vine Wood with a Dragon Heartstring Core. 14 inches. Unyielding.
Hogwarts House: Slytherin
Friends: (Just joined Jan. 3, 2021; Love to add some!)
Animagus: Grim Wolf
Boggart: Creepy Crawly Bugs
Patronus: Hippogriff
~Background Information~
I never knew I would get my Hogwarts letter. I mean, sure I was born in America, and sure I was relocated in a small orphanage for girls in London before my eleventh birthday, but if you asked my younger self, you would've been shocked that I never knew about magic in the first place! I mean, sure my pencil wasn't supposed to write the colors of the rainbow or sure my hair wasn't supposed to change colors due to my emotions, but I thought that was somewhat normal.
My father was a Neutral Pureblood, the younger brother of Rodolphus and Rabastan Lestrange who didn't believe their Dark ways, so that was the reason he moved to America. My mother, on the other hand, was a disowned Pureblood Squib, born in a Dark American Pureblood family. I've never met my parents, as they died in an Auror accident just before I turned three years old, but once I got my Hogwarts letter and was notified of my heritage, I knew Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry was where I finally belonged.
I was under the Sorting Hat for at least a minute and a half, as it didn't know where to place me. The Hat said I had some bravery, that I was loyal and kind, well to those I wished, I was witty and intelligent, and I had cunning and ambitiousness running through my veins. In the end, the Hat shouted SLYTHERIN, and that's where I knew I belonged. And besides, I knew my last name and my blood status would make me acceptable in Slytherin, so I had nothing to worry about, besides the fact if I'm actually a powerful witch or not?
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