Evanora Cordelia Laveau


  • Joined December 2020
  • Member of Slytherin
  • 0 House Points
  • 1st Year
  • Romania


This is my first year at HiH
I was sorted into the Slytherin House. I am a determineted person, and very comeptitiv one. I am also very vocal and good at everything I do. I consider myself a sociable person. I am in love with gemstones, and I consider myself a spiritual healer. I feel that people come into my life to treat their wounds(soul wounds). And most of the time I succeeded. I feel that I have a very special power cuz I can comunicate with spirits, energies.... I can control many things with the power of my brain. I also do spells but I am not so good in that. I am also so into astrology.
I am a half blood, my mom it s a witch. She has the same powers as I have.
I think I will love the Charms class, also the Astronomy class
I rlly love animals. I own a cat, named Toulouse.
My greatest weakness is that I get bored rlly fast. But I don t think that s the case for HiH.
I don t rlly know what I will do after I finish school but I know that I wanna help people with my magic.

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