Mar Cal


That's the name right? (They/Them)

  • Joined December 2020
  • Member of Slytherin
  • 0 House Points
  • 1st Year
  • Canada


Mar Cal, that's the name right? Dad’s the leader of the Order of the Phoenix and Mom is kinda neutral. Got a brother named Mal or Malachite, while we’re not twins we look fucking identical. Cal being my Dad's surname and I couldn't be prouder to have it. We look exactly like our mom and act pretty similar, loud, abrasive, rude- but kind, even if we show it through insults. Although my dad has had the biggest influence on me growing up, my mom worked the most and dad was almost always home. He is also a ravenclaw and always thought things through the most and had the pest advice when I was going through anything. He’s always there for me no matter what. 

While being purebloods my parents didn't really act like it, not stuck up snobs, not racist towards muggle-borns, and as you could assume my Dad does not like you-know-who. Other than being quite wealthy and having a classic pureblood house, they weren't like other purebloods I'd known or heard of. 

When Mal and I got to Hogwarts and I went up to be sorted the Sorting Hat seemed… conflicted? Noting the clashing of my treats, ambition and indifference, determination and hesitation, all being almost equally strong. In the end it decided to put me in Slytherin even though it warned me I might feel a bit out of place. Even though I know Slytherins aren’t inherently evil (I mean my mother was one) there were definitely aspects of Slytherin that I didn't fit, and there's always those people. Although it did become fun to fuck with them. 

I also never feel like I work hard enough to be in Slytherin, but I'm often reminded of my health. I've got a blood condition and not too great mental health. I also struggle to get proper sleep because my dreams keep me up at night, dreams that seem to come scarily true    

I’m tough and head strong and very fucking stubbron. And somewhat selfish. I dont fully think and have a ‘fuck it’ attidude, I was very indecisive when I was younger but I've come into who I am more and more. Maybe it was the near death experiences but you know. Fuck it.

Books Authored by Mar Cal

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