[No Name]


  • Joined November 2020
  • Member of Gryffindor
  • 0 House Points
  • 1st Year
  • Chile


I'm a griffindor, I don't really know .... it was a quick decision. I love defense against the dark arts and transformations. I don't like Muggle studies, not all of them suit me. It's a bit complicated ... I'm a pureblood only my parents hid it from me. when my letter arrived I felt happy and a little sad because they hid it from me. It affects me because I was in a muggle school. No . My greatest strength is kindness. My weakness is to look bad with people, for example. I don't like my mom taking my wand, but I don't say anything to her because I don't like being angry with her. I would like to be aurora. I have not graduated yet I am going in 2 years and I am happy. It is something beautiful, magic is fascinating. I will use magic to help others and also for myself. I've never thought about it, I think
I want to be happy and make my friends happy. Lily Potter And Rose Weasley. If I have an owl her name is the same name of the famous wizard Harry Potter, Hedwid. She acts very well she is neat and clean.Humm I think not, just that my father is an auror and he met with Harry Potter and we are friends .no disagreement

Books Authored by [No Name]

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