- Joined November 2020
- Member of Gryffindor
- 66 House Points
- 1st Year
United States
Name: TighanMiddles: Cissylia Raie
last: Lawson
looks: My hair is a red-black and very curly, I have a stud in my nose and double earrings. I'm short- 4'11- and i have freckles. I have a beautiful smile.
personality: I'm friendly and I am open to be friends with anyone of any house. I'm brake, kind, caring, and sweet.
sexuality: BI
I'm open to romantic rp, but out of Hogwarts I do have a gf.
I was sorted into Gryffindor, the sorting hat saw the bravery and courage and knew I this was my house. It didn’t take for ever but didn’t go by quick, it was like at medium speed. I love Potions and Charms, those are probably my favorite classes and I don’t typically have a least favorite class. I am a half-blood, my mom practiced magic when she was younger. I feel being a half-blood is going to put me at the medium status. I haven’t really discovered my weaknesses and strengths but I do know that I love animals and have a good bond with most of them and I sometimes think outside of the box and I’m very different from everyone else. I want to travel and practice magic and help stop the dark. I want to see new places and be apart of another world that i am an connected too. I am adopted by my father and my mom is now a stay at home mom with my little brother.