- Joined November 2020
- Member of Hufflepuff
- 75 House Points
- 1st Year
Name: Chase :> (she/her)Sexuality: bisexual (still deciding, definitely not straight tho)
Hogwarts Background: When first arrived at Hogwarts, I thought it to be an easy course and learning experience considering my mother was a well known alumni from the school. You see my mother's name was Luna Lovegood, and she married a halfblood making me a halfblood. Although Lovegood isn't my proper and actual last name, I still prefer it and it helps keep my full identity a secret. But upon arriving to Hogwarts, things proved that it was certainly not be as easy as expected. Although I enjoyed the praise from the teachers after them realising who my parents were, I was still talked about because I am a Hufflepuff. I'm currently in the middle of my second year here at Hogwarts, and I currently seem to be the most fond of is Charms and Herbology classes here. I'm rather excited for the next coming years at Hogwarts, and what more is to come next!
If you need someone to talk to, hi I'm here :)