

Muggleborn. First year gryffindor. Usually compared to Hermione Granger idk why. Kinda shy but love to make new friends.

  • Joined October 2020
  • Member of Gryffindor
  • 7 House Points
  • 1st Year
  • Colombia


Hi, my name is Ana Palacio Castilla, a colombian muggleborn that ends in Hogwarts. I was sorprisely sorted in gryffindor, well it was a sorprise at first but now it have all sense; see, i love knowledge and that stuff but my friends and family are everything to me, i could risk my life for them. I wasnt a ravenclaw because sometimes i am stubborn and lazy, and i am gryffindor because i can be really impulsive and empowered; anyways, i love my house. I´m such a good student if i want it to, also love quidditch,
i´m a chaser. My favorite classes are defense against the dark arts, potions and transfiguration. My muggle life wasn´t good, i really thanks to life because of giving me this great oportunity. About my personality, people say i look so serious and quiet at first but when i´m in confidence i will try to make you smile or support you all i can, i really enjoy to talk and lead. Physically i am 5.7 tall, i have mahogany hair and round eyes, strong factions like my eyebrows and the shape of my face. I don´t know what else to say, that´s me, welcome to my life.

Books Authored by Anitta.

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