Fiona Shaw


Can't be bothered But love school And love the movies

  • Joined October 2020
  • Member of Gryffindor
  • 0 House Points
  • 1st Year
  • Australia


I was born in Australia, no one knows that I am a witch. Only my two best friends, they have supported me when I go to my high school.. amongst other muggles. My parents are muggle-born, but I found out about magic when I was drowning and said a spell I heard from a spellbook. I always believed in magic but my parents thought it was stupid about how important I thought it was. I know every spell I need to know for my first year at Hogwarts, I am smart a bit witty and sassy! my name is Fiona Putri Shaw. I am a witch and have been homeschooled for a bit, but also went to school for most of my life. I have one twin sister that doesn't know I am a witch because she has always wanted to be one, but she never was able to do it. I have been raised and been surrounded by muggles throughout my whole life and have only known magic for 5 years. I am 12 years of age and cannot wait to be a first-year student at Hogwarts.

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