Never let your heart rule your head.
- Joined October 2020
- Member of Slytherin
- 302 House Points
- 1st Year
Name: MarkusHeight: 6'3
Age: 17
Personality type: INTJ
Patronus: Buzzard
Wand: Sycamore wood with a phoenix feather core, 13" and reasonably supple flexibility
I was sorted into slytherin, because I am determined and strong-minded. I was no headstall exactly, even though I posess a few gryffindor traits, the decision was almost immediate.
I am quite fond of potions, because I like the idea of magic mixed with biology and chemistry. My favourite class must be DADA though- clichee, I am aware. I particulary like this class, for it is about defending oneself and using spells for ones own benefits which is one thing I value about magic. My third favourite class certainly is "astology".
My least favourite subject must be flying. Even though I do like the idea of being up in the sky and able to observe from above, the art of flying on a broomstick itself, is of too fast nature for my taste.
I am a Pure-Bood, since my family has always been overly invested to make our lineage stay that way. My greatest strength is probably my ability to persuade others of my opinions with well laid-out facts, logic and a certain amount of charisma. My greatest weakness must be my tendency to push others away quickly to prove to myself that I am in no way co-dependent, which has led to quite some wrecked relationships.
I am not entirely sure what I am going to invest my time in, after graduation. All I know is, that I want to do something that matters to me and fullfills me as a person. The most fascinating aspect of magic to me is, that everything seems possible. In the wizarding world, boundaries are not set by physics and there is quite litterally no limit to your imagination.
Since my family is from northern-europe, I am the first from my family, to attend Hogwarts instead of Durmstrang, for reasons that my parents have been keeping from me.