Ruby Black


  • Joined October 2020
  • Member of Gryffindor
  • 244 House Points
  • 1st Year
  • United States


I'm a muggle born. My sister is also a muggle, but my best friend is a half blood. My great grandfather on my father's side was a half blood. I'm the only witch in my family. When I got my letter to go to Hogwarts, I was honestly about to rip it up and call it what muggles call "junk mail". But my dad saw it he threw himself at it and took me and the rest of my family to london to "get my new school supplies" as he put it. While I was in the car I actually had time to think if this was real. I thought to myself 'Well...I suppose this would explain all the weird stuff that people talk about...Like that time that kid pushed my off the top of the school stairs! I was all braced for pain. I squeezed my eyes just and tucked my arms and legs in...but nothing I opened my eyes where I saw a crowd had formed. They were all gawking at me like I was flying...I looked around and...and...I WAS FLYING! Right at that moment I toppled down the remaining 4 stairs. I had bruise for WEEKS!' I smiled at myself at this thought. I was still not convinced, but them my dad took us too a PUB! It was called the Leaky Cauldron. There he got directions to Digon's Alley? He did this weird pattern to bricks and BOOM! My jaw fell open like my mother's and sister's, who were to the right and left of me. Dad smiled and looked down at me. 'Your a witch Em!' I remembered him saying. He told me all that his grandfather had told him about Hogwarts, whitch was the school I was to go to. I'm now the commenter for the quidditch matches! I love my job! I'm a gryffindor and although I go to Hogwarts, my mom insisted that I finish muggle school. So sadly, I do both. But that's my story for ya!

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