- Joined October 2020
- Member of Hufflepuff
- 18 House Points
- 1st Year
Czech Republic
Hi, I am Alex.. My whole family is in Slytherin so I am kind of a black sheep. My father doesn't like me and he used to beat me but my older brother Sebastian had a fight with him once and he won so from that time my father stopped. Sebastian always protects me but my mother never said anything to father. Well I don't want you to know just the bad and sad about me so I am proud Hufflepuff and I love to sing, draw, smile and dance till my feet starts to hurt. I have great skills in herbology, astronomy and healing. I also love any kind of creature. When I was little I even work in muggle veterine as help. I want to be wand designer because I adore how every single one can tell something about her owner. I am pureblood but I don't care about it I like muggles, halfbloods, muggleborns or purebloods all the same and I have friends in all of them. The best part of me that I enjoy the most is fact that I am Animagus and I can transform to lovely brown dog.Thanks for reading my story - My favourite thing to do is making friends so send me an owl I am waiting for her.