- Joined October 2020
- Member of Slytherin
- 0 House Points
- 1st Year
United States
<details><summary>VK Name</summary>
Name: Scarlett Lioness
Age: 16
<summary>Whats a VK without a villian parent?</summary>
Villain Parents: Scar and Zira
Hair: Long black hair with red streaks
Eyes: Dark green
<summary>Fellow VK Boyfriend</summary>
Harry Hook <3

<summary>VK Friends</summary>







Backstory: Back when Scar lead Pride Rock, he developed a relationship with an evil lion, Zira. He wanted to make sure he had an heir to the throne so Simba would never rule. A while later, Zira became pregnant with what she thought was a cub but turned out to be cubs. A week before Simba arrived at Pride Rock, the cubs were born. They were twins, one boy and one girl, Scarlett and Kovu. Scar was very proud of the two and told Zira to raise the two with her pride. Zira took the two children with her to the Outlands to raise them. When Simba came to challenge Scar, Scar died and Zira was furious and heartbroken. She would hunt day and night to provide for herself, Kovu, Scarlett, and the twins older siblings Vitani and Nuka. Zira always made sure that the twins got as much food as they needed and that always made Nuka mad. Scarlett remembered Zira saying that it was because the twins were supposed to be the "Chosen Ones." Scarlett knew that wasn't true though, Kovu was the chosen one, not her.