"If karma doesn't hit you, I bloody will."
- Joined September 2020
- Member of Slytherin
- 110 House Points
- 1st Year
United States
BASIC INFORMATIONName: Davina Esmerelda Mandrake.
Nicknames: Esme.
Age: 17 years old.
Gender/Sex: Female (she/her)
Nationality: America.
Birthday: July 10.
Species: Witch.
Blood-status: Pureblood.
Sexual Orientation: Bisexual.
Personality: Davina speaks up for what she believes in, no matter who it may hurt on the way. She's known for her sailor mouth and often slips up in front of teachers unintentionally. The young girl tries her best to be perfect around adults since she wants her father to be proud of her. But, Davina has a habit of hiding her feelings after growing up being told that emotions make you weak. She often comes off as selfish, but tries her best to be kind. Once close to her, Davina will be extremely loyal and kind, as well as playful. She wouldn't hesitate to fight someone over her friends, no matter the consequences. At times, Davina can be rude to people who don't have blood as pure as hers.
- Chocolates
- Plants
- Cats
- Reading
- Pranking people
- Spiders
- Being cut off while talking
- Being rushed
- Seafood
- Writing
- Reading
- Painting
- loyal
- Blunt
- Adaptable
- Disciplined
- Short-tempered
- Impulsive
- Moody
- Perverted
Occupation: Unemployed/Student.
Height: 5'7.
Weight: 125 lbs.
Skin Tone: Tan.
Eye Color: Bright green.
Hair Description: Wavy brown hair that reaches just to her mid-waist.
Scars?: Many on her arms and hands.
Piercings?: Numerous on her ear, her belly, and her septum.
Tattoos?: A dragon on her back, a snake and flowers on her outer thigh.
Natural Scent: Smoke and red rose or cinnamon depending on her perfume choice for the day.
- Morgana Mandrake.
- Oscar Mandrake.
- None. Only child.
Other Relatives:
- Her Godmother is Narcissa Malfoy.
Best Friends:
- None.
- N/A.
Significant Other/Crush:
- Single.
- N/A.
- Hogwarts.
- Slytherin.
Best Core Class:
- History of Magic
Worst Core Class:
- N/A.
- N/A.
- Doesn't play.
- Nimbus 3000.
- N/A.
> Wand
> Length: 14 1/2.
> Flexibility: Surprisingly Swishy.
> Wood: Alder.
> Core: Phoenix Feather.
> Pets: A pure Kneazle named Shadow.
> Boggart: Herself.
> Patronus/Animagus: Artic Fox.
> Amortentia: N/A.
> Home Town: Wiltshire, England.
> Residence: A large mansion passed down from generations.
> Loyalty: Slytherin, Voldemort.
> Organizations: Death Eaters.
Davina Mandrake lives trying to impress her father. She does what she can to make him proud even if it means making wrong choices. Despite her father not being around much, he still expects her to be top of the class so he can use her to impress Voldemort. Because he holds her to the highest of expectations, her father hired her private tutors for over the summer. There, her tutors would occasionally hit her hands until she got the right answer. At a point, Davina rebelled against her tutors which caused them to use more rough teachings, thus the scars on her hands and arms. Now, Davina rebels quietly while acting like an angel around adults and teachers.
Credits to CriticalCritiques on Deviantart.