Amateur duelist, untrained Occlumens, and very happy to be here ^u^
- Joined September 2020
- Member of Hufflepuff
- 0 House Points
- 1st Year
— Wand: Ebony, Dragon Heartstring, 13", Quite Flexible— Patronus: Deerhound.
— Pet: Ghost (White Barn Owl)
— Likes: Duelling, DADA, Charms, Jelly Slugs, Quidditch, Feeding animals.
— Dislikes: Using dangerous curses, Peppermint Toads, troublemakers.
— Backstory:
I was born in Brazil, to a couple of muggles who decided to move to England when I was nine. In my eleventh birthday, a Ministry of Magic officer contacted my parents, to inform them that I was a wizard. Since I was born in Brazil, I was being invited to go back and study at Castelobruxo, in the Amazon.
My parents, however, didn't want me to study so far from our new home. So, they asked the officer if I could be sent to study somewhere closer, instead. And so, I was sent to Hogwarts, and sorted into Hufflepuff.
Although I have a long way to go, I hope to work in the Ministry of Magic one day, as a member of the Accidental Magic Reversal Squad. After that, when I'm older, I would love to start my own business... run a coffee shop at Diagon Alley and maybe start a family.