Zelda Bleu Rose Lucien


Im Zelda Bleu Rose Lucien. Daughter of Victor Alexandre Lucien and Charlotte Belle rose. Both very famous riches and wizards. Brother: Dior Lucien

  • Joined September 2020
  • Member of Slytherin
  • 0 House Points
  • 1st Year
  • United Kingdom


Name: Zelda Bleu Rose Lucien
Birthday: September,7 2007

Birthplace: Cambridge, England
Status: Pure-Blood

School: Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, former invite to Beuxbatons
Occupation on HiH: Student and member of Slytherin house
Occupation outside HiH: Daughter on The Great Victor Alexandre Lucien the rich famous wizard and one of the most powerful person on Hogwards along with Charlotte Belle rose the Great fashion wizard of all time. With a brother Dior Alexandre Lucien who is 1 year older than me. The Lucien family is the richest family above the Malfoy’s.
Wand: 9 ¾", vine wood, unicorn hair core, quite bendy flexibility

Pet: Caramel the snowy owl

Patronus: Dragon

General Appearance
: Bleu has soft dark-light brown hair. With soft curls in the front. She was born like that. Her father has platinum blonde hair while her mother has beautiful hazel brown hair. She likes wearing comfy sweatshirts with jeans and others. Despite being raised wearing designer clothing, she liked being simple but still very fashionable. In class, she wears the Slytherin house robe with its tie but also a Gucci tie under layer and she wears a crop top with long sleeves Chanel and short white jeans with a Gucci belt under the robe. She wears Balenciaga or Nike as her shoes. Her fashion sense changes often.

Family History and Early Life
 : Bleu was born on September 7th , 2007 to Victor Alexandre Lucien and Charlotte Belle Rose in the town of Cambridge, England .She spent her childhood on her parent's mansion in the city with her big brother Dior. She and him are very close. She used to play pranks on him and they would run around the house chasing each other. They had very big rooms but they never fail to be nice and they aren’t at all selfish. When her brother went to Howards into the magical kingdom Bleu has to stay in the house alone. There were many servants living there but she still felt alone. Her father teaches her about magic every day and had her practicing all sort of extreme high class spells by the age of 11. Now in Hogwarts she is having this crush relationship with Draco Malfoy which is the Lucien’s family rival.

Life at Hogwarts
 : At the beginning of the summer a week before her eleventh birthday ,Bleu received letters of acceptance to both Hogwarts and Beauxbatons. She told her parents about them and the parents decided best of her to join Howards because her mother was a student of Beauxbatons from 1st year to 3rd year and said that Hogwards will be best because Dumbledore is a great friend of my fathers and Hogwards would teach more. After deciding, her parents gave the best of the best school supplies with tons of money to spend. Then, she was off on the Hogwarts Express on September 1st. She was sorted into Slytherin house just like The Lucien Family Would.

Bleu's years at Hogwarts were filled with many different emotions, events, and courses. She was betrayed by her best friend Nicole in first year. And was friends with Harry, Ron, Hermione, Cedric, Blaise, Amethyst etc. Bleu was told not to tell that she was a Lucien family member because she didn’t want the fame like her former classmate and crush Draco Malfoy with girls following him around everywhere. Draco and Bleu liked each other but haven’t started dating yet because our family were rivals. Her parents also bought her the pet she wanted most. A snowy owl. This owl was very special to her. Not only she has ocean blue eyes with snowy and very furry soft white fur, This owl was very loyal to her and very elegant. She named her Caramel after her favorite food.
Until then, Bleu keeps a diary which she writes to everyday for her following Journey at Hogwarts.

Shorter version: I am Zelda Bleu Rose Lucien. Daughter of one of the ones to help renovate and billing of this school Victor Alexandre Lucien yeah, the rich famous wizard and one of the most powerful person in Hogwards. The Man everyone wants to be with in the 90's. He's my dad. and Charlotte Belle Rose the Great fashion wizard but also famous actor and model is my mom. Im pure blood, My parents are both pureblood and studied in hogwards. after they graduate they took part and jobs in the muggle world. Oh i also have a brother Dior Alexandre Lucien who is 1 year older than me. My dad were rivals with Lucius Malfoy and now, me and Draco has huge crushes on each other. my family is the richest family in the magic kingdom and Malfoy family is the second. in the muggle world, we are also one of the riches. but i don't like that famous kind so i hide my name and Zelda Belle Rose.

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