Kota Ls

Potion obsessed

Good day my loves, I hope that you find what you are looking for here. Call me Kota

  • Joined September 2020
  • Member of Ravenclaw
  • 209 House Points
  • 1st Year
  • United States


SHORT INTRODUCTION Though still a student at Hogwarts, outside of school I spend my hours helping maintain plants and study poisons and disease. My goal in life is to help people. I think a lot can be done, however, a lot still needs to be done. My father, Demitri W. S. worked at the Ministry of Magic in the "magical happy accident" department as he would say, but really, happy isn't the right term for it. My mother Wintel. L. Laplante on the other hand, for a long time, worked as an Auror... that was until... she became sick. Poison of some sort, they never could figure it out. Makes sense though, that the person who got her, was a jealous "friend" let's say; over her love life. That friend was a woman and an extremely skilled one at potions. Since then I had decided to study such things all the while save who I can from a sickening world. To those who wish to be my enemy, I only say I bid you adieu. For those to wish to befriend me, I only say I will see you soon. HOUSE/FAMILY HISTORY I was sorted into Ravenclaw house, however, my family history is not all historically Ravenclaw. My family was split into two main houses despite some Slytherins, we mostly we families of Hufflepuff's and Ravenclaws. It began with my great, great, great grandmother Marry MJ. Laplante. A wise woman, with the mind of a wise bird. She worked side by side with some of the first wizards to tame wild creatures. She met my great great great grandfather Lance WS. who was stationed in London through the ministry to find a wild Nundu(lion leopard mix and one of the most dangerous creatures in the world). She and he worked together for many years until the days of fighting became too much for their old souls. Together they opened up a pet shop and animal care home with their 4 children in 1800. It turned out Marry was a Hufflepuff and Lance was a Ravenclaw. Since then we have had all Ravenclaws and Hufflpuffs except for 4 Slytherins. Most of our family have been clear from Azkaban, however, a few stragglers haven't been the cleanest; In particular, my great uncle Caspian, a Ravenclaw and extremely brilliant, but sometimes brilliance does not equal to smart. He believed that the ministry was trying to destroy the wizarding world and tried his best to destroy the entire building. He among many others thought conspiracy was reality rather than fiction. Lastly, Belle S. I was never allowed to know who she was in my family or what she did, but I do know that she was only 20 when she entered Azkaban and took her final breath there. Lastly onto my generation of things. My grandmother( the Lapante side) was named Windell Conloe Laplante and was a Ravenclaw, and had my mother Wintel. who met my father at Hogwarts through Divination. They were young, and my mother was still young when she passed away at the age of 40. QUICK FACTS House: Ravenclaw Wand: Beechwood, Unicorn hair, 11 1/4 in. and quite bendy flexibility Patronus: Dolphin Family: Half-blood

Books Authored by Kota Ls

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